Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Elapsed versus remaining time

Here's something to do on a slow Saturday. It really opened my eyes as I'm trying to prepare for timed tests like the ACT and AP exams.

Here in Texas we've been taking TAKS tests since the third grade, but those are untimed in the sense that you can take as long as you need. Tests in courses are pretty much set to a length the teacher knows can be completed. So even though I've never had much of what they call test anxiety, I've been worrying about the timed tests after the practice SAT test I took a few months ago.

So I decided to try to get a better feel for how much time was left to finish. To do this, I started with my iPhone, and just kept checking it, but this was a distraction as I worked to finish a section of a practice test. Then I bought a little timer that show the remaining time, just a two-color clock face that shows the ever shrinking amount of time remaining. That way I could just glance up and judge whether to speed up some.

Different way to look at it, and it helped with the worrying.

Here's one version but check your smart phone first to see if you can set it up that way, or try the app store.