Saturday, February 25, 2012

Announcements and why they matter

At our school, which is very large and crowded (5A now), the announcements every morning can be easily confused with white noise and static on a bad radio. I know they are saying words, in English, but it's just that I can't quite hear them over the sounds of everyone moving around, talking, getting out their books, etc.

I know there are lots and lots of posters taped up on the walls in most of the hallways. The problem is that the halls are so packed with kids trying to get to class in the 5 minutes we've got, pretty much shoulder to shoulder and wall to wall. It's so crowded that last year the principal decided we needed one-way halls for traffic flow - not kidding.

I realize that our advisory teachers are supposed to pass along important information about things like major deadlines.

Except, that's not always how it works, and the reason that matters is that the deadlines are the deadlines. Hard fact, but true.

I just missed something very important:  the deadline to apply for National Honor Society, for which I qualified. The announcement the day before was in a newsletter emailed late on the day before the final deadline, and by the time I read my email it was the morning after the deadline. I explained and asked nicely, but the deadline was the deadline.

The only thing that could make this worse was that I realized I missed it last year too. Same thing:  I qualified.

Too bad that National Junior Honor Society membership back in middle school doesn't count for anything. Neither does membership in the spring of my senior year, well after college applications are done.

A deadline is a deadline. Not my favorite lesson.